It's fun
I was just reminiscing about 10 months ago, sheesh it's been a wild ride. I feel like my identity for the time being has changed to butt in chair worker guy. To think 10 months ago in Queens I took on the role of Peter Pan Neverland Sam, who was going to have the youngest heart in the room. He's still in me somewhere but even Pan couldn't keep his jovialness in a role/city like this I don't think. That's who I want to ride as, Randle Patrick Mcmurphy from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Shit, I may even reread that book.
It's hard to rebel here but it was hard to rebel in a Psych Ward, and on a Pirate Ship, and in an Army Camp + on a freight train like a certain Italian-American Stallion of the Cimarron.
Stick up for what you believe in.