It does looks sharp as steak knife. And we were still able to make out 2pm scheduled reading session after cutting the lettuce. I'm on day 2 of implementing my new routine to get better results every area of my life that matters to me. So we already know one of those will revolve around unsuccessfully getting chicks ;). Man I'm full of lame jokes today but apparently can't even depreciate according to the Medium psychology posts.
These should provide a framework so i don't always feel like a 100% sewer maneuer pile. I
Dont like the way I'm writing. A big goal in my life has been to connect the inner me with the outer me a statement that one of those Medium posts caught my eye with. Wow I got sidetracked even now with some form of worrying, this may need to serve as my callout journal for the time being. Lately my head has been a whirlwind of thoughts/emotions and I haven't effectively been able to get them out anywhere since I don't talk to many people, or at least haven't in the last two days. Makes me realize how important that work group is, especially around these parts. You have periods where you stay in your shell, and especially back when you first got here periods where you wouldn't allow any kind of shell, house, or place of peace and isolation. We now realize that spawned from neediness, it wasn't your inside, that Danny Mullen facade. Same time don't totally negate that by always being in and isolating yourself. Fun as it was your why's behind most actions always felt unclear, since dropping the act you feel a yard closer to connecting inner and outer.
Struggled with that a little today, flipping back and forth what to text a UT chick whose number you got, whatever it is have a: Intention, authenticates, and a "why". The battles in your head make it hard to be swift and decisive however. I'll wrap this up by saying start to list some of your values, who you are and what you want to continue to be. That's it I guess, but it must not be since I'm still here- I've felt shunned by peers. Crowdstrike. Feels like a harsh rejection, barely any of them remember me, must be what it feels like to fall, pass away in old age, I can understand how bitterness can arise. I always wish it of my grandparents and elders, when I leave them without communication. "Please don't be mad about it, ah I'm gonna here this", same time I clearly can't handle it much. It is just me here though, I may come back to this and try to be more succinct with what I'm saying but being alone really has felt bad the last few.
Gone for now
To go over briefly 8am is joke writing, 8:30 is daily brushing teeth, 9am