Point is while I'm in love with the people character wise but we're stuck in a city confused by itself. I don't know why I'm complaining. What I should be complaining about is staying inside like the basement dude from benchwarmers. I should be complaining about the fact that I eat more than Joey Chesnut's family, and more gross than a pig at its last meal. Weird and probably dark reference right there. I'm crammed next to a Boeing 747 engine noise which is my gaming PC. And my already dirty pillow with a cover is the only support system to my back; that will have a fun retirement in 4 years. Also my hair's texture makes me think a bug colony has taken refuge in it. Not to mention my Instagram is dryer than a woman on a date hinge date in the Sahara dessert. Pipeline at work too, which has been my adopted hobby in times of nothingness, I expect any remnants of friends and family to disappear.
Anyway besides that impending doom, I need to focus back on the action part like I committed. And let me say, right here, right now- I forgot. It most likely had to do with women though. That's the other substitute for me currently.
Input: Combine Worlds
Output: Laughs (hopefully)
I'm going to roast myself, already have an apple prepared in my mouth. My hair, what is that shit. My sideburns make me look like a jew trying to convert italian. let's talk about it greasier than the Wendy's on 6th and Interstate. So greasy that I'd be accepted into the Soprano crew without ever making an O shape on my mouth.