I do more distracted reading than someone with severe ADHD on coke, wait, yep still me. Distracted reading is as the name applies not really reading but having a book or kindle open with 10% intention of reading more than a page. What should be my next course of action is treating this disease that affects 100% of people probably and 200% of me? Treat myself like a dog: get treats for reading pages, and do my business outside if I don't, and if I really don't send me to Michael Vick.
This is a day review and since I write these things on 5pm CT there isn't really time to include the nightlife in them but last night into today has been nothing but peace, relaxation, and one cute mexican/latina/native american/and unsure how but German girl. Yea that was fun, but I'm in public and don't want to talk about it. It feels like vacation and how Billionairs live, speaking with a coworker earlier I even analogized the fact that I'm on one (vacation) indefinitely, huh so this is what it must be like to be president! That was my day and it's not over yet, sorry folks you'll miss out on another fun packed evening this time centered around sand volleyball, but I only plan to partake in the drinking.
Now I'm still in public but I'm charmin Ultra soft, so I want to get this girl back out with me, badly, cause she's Mexican and Spanish, and I'm white. I'll probably call her later, the way to tell you do a good job with the latinas is when they drop their guard and accent, and then my pants. Alright, bye.