Never understood it unless it was the buffer screen of a porn video, got it, or used it more generally. Persistence just wins. Get up flurry after flurry of shots (more hars tend to be emotional shots) but bam you tire them out and hold attention the longest with persistence. That's what I'm beggining to see in these situations. The more aware one is always the winner.
Can we practice that better with girls- problem is'nt your person-person game, it's your text game and even app game tbh. Practice, practice, practice.
Makes me wonder how I'm going to handle my text and Instagram game. that's my weakness right now I don't have much skill in that area. But that's how a let's call him Joe bloomfield cause he's a nazi german really got and gets alot of girls. What I've noticed about the big blonde, bufoon
His elite tinder game
Also a great text game
Never acknowledged it before but man's knows text better than probably anyone.